Hire top-notch part-time and remote talent on FlexiBees Marketplace (beta)!
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Trusted by 800+ businesses
AI-driven + Human-augmented vetting across Skills & Flexibility factors
Interview, select & launch within 48 hours
Pay for the hours or months you need
Productive from day 1
Repeat Business from
satisfied clients
We kept coming back as we always knew that the candidates were vetted and we would surely find the right candidate we were looking for.
CEO, Avegen Health | 🇬🇧 U.K
Currently our Beta is active only for Digital Marketing, Social Media & Sales roles. We will be rolling out other roles soon!
I have around 15+yrs of work experience in Digital/ social media strategy planning and Analytics and have worked with many multinational brands.
MBA marketing with 5+ years experience in Digital marketing specialities. Good understanding of Digital marketing and Google Analytics.
Highly motivated slaes professional with 5+ years of experience in strategic lead generation, sales presentations.I have around 3+yrs of work experience in Digital/ social media strategy planning and Analytics and have worked with many multinational brands.
I have around 15+yrs of work experience in Customer support and Analytics and have worked with many multinational brands.
Have 5+ years of experience in social media marketing.
(Upwork, Truelancer)
All roles
AI -driven +
& reviews
90% less vs
2 days with
40-60% less vs
No, you don’t have to pay for job posting or interviews.
The pricing that is displayed at the time of posting your remote job includes the talent’s compensation as well as our fee. You pay only when you hire.
No hidden costs. So, post a job and interview candidates for free!
The candidates in the marketplace are pre-vetted using our proprietary technology that combines the best of Artificial Intelligence and Human Judgement across demonstrated Skills, and Flexibility factors such as time availability, remote readiness, time-slots match. Because of this rigorous curation, you will see only 3 or 5 candidates per role that are perfectly matched to your requirement
FlexiBees Marketplace matches your job to top pre-vetted talent from our pool of women professionals who want to work part-time and remote.
We believe that skill plays a greater role than domain, in most of the roles that we offer. Our candidates are capable of adapting to new domain requirements and hence our match gives more emphasis to skills than the domain
Currently on FlexiBees Marketplace (Beta) you can hire for the following roles – Digital Marketer B2B, Digital Marketer B2C, B2C Sales, Customer Service, Social Media Marketer B2B and Social Media Marketer B2C. We will roll out other functions and roles soon. To hire for other roles please visit https://flexibees.com/hire-flexible-talent/